Sunday, September 7, 2008


What you need:

3 sheets of paper. Cardstock is best.
Glue stick or double sided tape
Optional: stickers, string, ribbon, paper punch, stencils

What you do:
Fold lines
Picture 1
Folded paper
Picture 2
Make each paper an 8 1/2" square and fold each piece in half diagonally (both ways) and horizontially and vertically, picture 1. Be as percise as possible. Fold them back the other way so they will be easier to fold later on, picture 2.
Glue the pages together.
Picture 3

Overlap one quarter of your first piece of paper onto your second and glue, see picture 3. Then take the two pieces that are now glued together and attach them in the same way to the last piece of paper.

All three page joined and folded.
Picture 4
To make the booklet, fold the centres of the top and bottom piece of paper to the inside. The middle sheet of paper is folded to the back. See picture 4.
Choose your pictures.
Picture 5
Open your booklet and arrange the photos in a pleasing way. Use markers, stencils, stickers and ribbons to decorate the pages.
Cut the pictures and add decorations to the pages.
Picture 6
Make note that some of the pictures will be on a fold line and will need to be cut so that your booklet will fold nicely. See picture 6. Take care to cut your pictures in an interesting way. Try not to cut peoples faces. Don't forget to add a personal touch.
Design a title page.
Picture 7
Design a title page for your scrapbook.

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